Best Business Schools in the World for 2021-2022

Business schools have gained popularity in recent times as more and more people prefer professional education over the usual degrees. If you are looking for the best business school to hone your entrepreneurial skills or get career success, you should read on. Bloomberg Businessweek recently announced its 2021-2022 ranking of the best business schools in the world. It also highlighted the top 5 business schools in Europe

Best Business Schools in 2021- 2022 Ranking

1. Stanford GSB

2. Dartmouth Tuck School of Business  

3. Harvard Business School

4. Chicago Booth School of Business     

5. Northwestern Kellogg School of Management             

6. Columbia Business School     

7. UC Berkeley Haas School of Business

8. MIT Sloan School of Management     

9. (tied) Wharton School           

10. Northwestern Kellogg School of Management

Top 5 Business Schools in Europe for 2021-2022

1. IMD 

2. IESE Business School

3. SDA Bocconi 

4. INSEAD         

5. London Business School

This year, Bloomberg Businessweek added a diversity index to the MBA ranking and measured race, gender and ethnicity. Ethnicity and race counted for 50% of the diversity score, while the rest 50%, was gender.

It's worth highlighting that none of the schools that grabbed the top spots in ranking did well in diversity. Stanford GSB was at 16th rank, while HBS and Tuck got the 17th position. Wharton got the 24th spot.

Methodology Used

The Bloomberg Businessweek rankings were based on about 20,000 surveys conducted on students and recruiters. The methodology also involved employment and compensation data provided by each school. The data on ethnicity, gender, and race was also asked to complete the Diversity Index.

 Should You Rely on Bloomberg Businessweek Rankings?

Though rankings like the Bloomberg Businessweek rankings can play a key role in helping make informed decisions regarding which business school is right for you, you shouldn't rely on them too much. It would help if you also focused on other important aspects of a business school, like its culture, size, and the alumni network's strength. The content of the program you are applying for also needs to matter.

According to a survey conducted by Stacy Blackman Consulting on business school applicants, just 12 % of applicants were considering culture as a key factor. The survey was conducted to know what mattered most to business school applicants and why. It also found that only a few of the respondents focused on the content while deciding which business school to attend.

The survey results demonstrate the aspiring B school students are focused more on rankings than other crucial factors. Often, they are even neglecting some crucial factors like content and culture.

So, if you are headed to a business school next, you would be wise to depend on multiple factors and not just some rankings. After all, your entire career and future are at stake. There is no need to rush things. You should think it through and make a wise decision that you won't regret in the future. Here are a few tips that might help.

Also, here are some tips on how to get grades in B School?


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