Good Friday 2022: Date, History, Significance & How to Celebrate

If you were raised as a Christian, you probably know that Good Friday is one of the most important festivals celebrated by the Christian community worldwide. Also known as Great Friday, Holy Friday, and Black Friday, this day is observed during the holy week and falls before Easter Sunday. It marks the day when Jesus Christ was crucified at the Roman Calvary. He died there later. Read on to know more about Good Friday 2022, its date, history, significance, and how to celebrate.

Good Friday 2022 Date

Every year, Good Friday falls on the Friday before Easter Sunday. Good Friday and Holy Saturday (the day after Good Friday) are two days of mourning for the death of Jesus Christ. Christ was resurrected on the day of Easter. The date of Good Friday varies every year in Julian and Gregorian calendars. In 2022, Good Friday will be observed on April 15, 2022.

Good Friday 2022- History

According to the Bible, the Jewish religious leaders brought Jesus to Rome for sentencing on this day. He was sent to Pilates, who said Jesus would get crucifixion, the highest form of criminal punishment. Jesus was beaten and forced to carry a wooden cross through crows that cheered and then nailed to the big cross by feet and wrists. He was left there to suffer for six hours.

It is believed that Jesus Christ died for the sins of his children, the people of Earth so that their sins could be forgiven and they are freed from suffering, pain, and agony.

Good Friday 2022- Significance

Good Friday is observed every year to remind people that good always wins even when there is suffering, just like Jesus Christ suffered for the good of others.

Good Friday 2022- How to Celebrate Good Friday?

There are no traditional celebrations associated with Good Friday. Different people celebrate it differently across the world. Members of several Christian denominations, including the Catholic, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox, Methodist, Anglican, Oriental Orthodox, and Reformed traditions, celebrate it by offering prayers in churches and observing fasts. Sometimes, even public processions are also organized.

On this day, many Christians abstain from consuming alcohol. People also wear all-colored scarves, head-covers, etc. The crosses, pictures, and holy statues in a church are covered with black cloth during the afternoon.

People present in Church remain silent and remain sober. After that, they offer prayers, sing hymns, or devotional prayers during the Good Friday services and rituals.

In many Anglican, Catholic, Lutheran, and Methodist churches, the Service of the Great Three Meal Hours’ Agony is organized from noon until 3 pm. It is done to commemorate the three hours of Jesus Christ’s hanging at the cross.

The communicants of the Moravian Churches celebrate Good Friday by cleaning gravestones in Moravian Cemeteries.

Good Friday- Related Festivals

In addition to Good Friday, many other days of the week are also special. Palm Sunday, Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Spy Wednesday, and Maundy Thursday also occur in this holy week.


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