Five Reasons to Choose Groupe Rousso for Your HVAC Needs in Quebec | Winner Magazine | Business Edition

With an impressive client list that includes several government facilities and even The Best Western, Groupe Rousso caught our eye as a top-ranking HVAC services provider in Quebec.  Earning a number of grateful reviews from happy clients, they have also recently been recognized as one of the Best Businesses in Canada by the CBRB Canadian Business Review Board.  Their key to rising in ranks appears to be multi-faceted, including offering a wide range of services, a well selected team of experts, and a helpful compilation of HVAC-related information featured on their pristine website.  In more detail, here are 5 reasons we found for you to choose Groupe Rousso for your HVAC needs:

"Groupe Rousso contributes to the well-being and quality of life of its clients by offering personalized ventilation services."

Five Reasons to Choose Groupe Rousso for Your HVAC Needs in Quebec 

1. Services Provided

While most companies will only service one sector or another, the experts at Groupe Rousso are prepared to serve a number of different clients with all sorts of HVAC needs.  Whether you are in need of ventilation services for your home or for your office, or if you are looking to buy equipment, Groupe Rousso offers help with this and a long list of related work.  Here is their full list of services for clients in the Quebec area:

-General  Services:
System Replacement
New facility
Volume Install
Repair service
Equipment cleaning

-Equipment Sales Air conditioning and heat pumps)

-Ventilation for Condos
The upkeep of multi-unit buildings has been a priority for the Quebec government for a while. The major goal of Law 16, which became effective in January 2020, is to make sure that co-ownership syndicates correctly maintain their structures. In contrast, Bill 141 mandates that unions obtain insurance coverage for all potential risks, including dryer ducts, which are the primary cause of fires in North America.

Groupe Rousso assists you in creating a maintenance book specific to your building using its knowledge of Law 16 and its skills. With the latter, you may be certain that your building conforms with Law 141's requirements and is thus safe.

Therefore, Groupe Rousso provides you with customised service to ensure proper upkeep of your multi-unit structure.

-Commercial HVAC

To meet government standards for sanitation (MAPAQ), sanitation is necessary in hotels, restaurants, and other commercial establishments. Even though it is not required, ventilation duct maintenance is crucial to prevent non-compliance issues. A healthy environment with enhances the client experience. Backflows of air and the accumulation of unsanitary odours in kitchens are avoided by maintaining air networks and cleaning ventilation equipment (HVAC).

You can count on Groupe Rousso to keep your establishment's indoor air quality high.

-Residential HVAC

Groupe Rousso has more than 30 years of experience in this field and has amassed a significant amount of competence in the microbiological cleaning of air conditioners, ventilation and dryer exhaust.

Experts at Groupe Rousso take great pride in being able to provide their clients with dependable and efficient cleaning solutions. In Eastern Canada, they provide dependable and effective duct cleaning services for any purpose.

-Industrial / Government Services

For factories and public buildings, cleaning ventilation ducts is essential. By supplying fresh air and purifying the interior air, ventilation systems support the maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment.

Complex ventilation systems are common in buildings like hospitals, city halls, CIUSSs, fire stations, and offices of the Sureté du Québec and the Société des infrastructures du Québec, and they must be cleaned by qualified specialists. Additionally, experts can get involved to get rid of impurities like mould, germs, and tiny particles that build up in the ventilation ducts.

-Installation and Tinsmithing 

Groupe Rousso's team includes an engineer, a general contractor with experience in all types of buildings, various HVAC installation teams, a tinsmith, and numerous other ventilation-specific experts. In order to ensure an effective and long-lasting installation of your ventilation ducts and heating systems, Groupe Rousso provides installation services for air conditioning/heating equipment for new construction, multiplexes, commercial buildings, and residential buildings.

Groupe Rousso is ready to discuss your project and see how they can support you in achieving your objectives.

You can have issues with mould, dry rot, or odours in your house or structure. These issues, which are frequently brought on by water penetration, inadequate ventilation, and high humidity, can have detrimental impacts on both the building's structure and the health of its residents. They may result in asthma attacks, reoccurring headaches, etc.

In order to prevent the condition from getting worse or returning, it is crucial to contact a business that specialises in mould decontamination, such as Groupe Rousso.

2. Caliber of Clients

Sometimes, the most impactful testimony to the quality of a company's services is evidenced in the globally-recognized brand names that choose to invest in their services .  This is the case for Groupe Rousso.  Not only do government offices choose Groupe Rousso, but so too do a number of large corporations that could have their pick of HVAC service providers.  This impressive list includes names like Best Western, Carrefour Laplante, and more.

3. They are Formed by an Effective Team 

Groupe Rousso has been a multigenerational family-run ventilation business for more than 30 years. Four ventilation duct cleaning teams, four air conditioning/heating system installation teams, a tinsmith, two appraisers, and a CFO make up their team of specialists.

They provide services to a wide range of businesses, including condo towers, office towers, hotels, governmental structures, senior living facilities, heavy industry and factories, as well as commercial and retail buildings.

Groupe Rousso provides ventilation solutions for both, bigger commercial and industrial buildings, as well as individual houses. Their team of experts can help you with any significant renovation projects or new construction, including cleaning the ventilation ducts in your home or installing ventilation equipment.

They also provide tinsmithing services, as well as heating and cooling system installation for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Groupe Rousso is dedicated to offering premium ventilation solutions to their clients, with a focus on excellence, quality, and dependability. 

4. They Offer a Wealth of Expertise

The Groupe Rousso team has expertise in every area of HVAC service, and they share this wealth of wisdom with the public through their informative blog.  If you visit their blog, you'll find helpful articles on topics ranging from wall-mounted air conditioners to how to choose your heat pump, and everything in between.

5. Reviews

One of many, this grateful review by a local guide says it all:

"The technician did such a great job that I felt compelled to leave a review. He came on time. He seemed like a very trustworthy persona and was very gentle and aware of his presence at our place. He took a lot of time to clean our AC unit both in the apartment and the garage, and did the work very diligently. He answered all of our questions and offered a really great service. Would highly recommend this company if all of their service staff are like him."- Antonio Sabella 

If you are looking for an HVAC services provider in the Quebec area, we recommend checking out Groupe Rousso!     

Take a look at their social channels, below for more information.

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