Philopateer Christian College Reviews: Winner Magazine | Business Edition

With acclaim coming from not only parents of students, but from civic leaders and a national review board as well,  Philopateer Christian College was quick to make our Winner list as one of North America's top K-12 private schools.  Offering a balanced dynamic of academic and spiritual development, along with international excursions and festive celebration opportunities, this school is prepared to groom Mississauga youth into apt leaders.  Read the full article, below, to learn more about PCC's programs and awards, and to hear what parents have shared about the exceptional student experience:

"A School of Solid Grounding in Academics, Life Principles & Family Values"

5 Reasons Philopateer Christian College is Among North America's Best Private Schools

1. A History of Excellence  

Philopateer Christian College (PCC) began classes with 40 students in grades JK through 8 in September 1999. They currently have around 360 students, from Pre-JK through grade 12.  The first Pre-JK (Pre-Kindergarten) class at PCC was established in 2002, allowing children as young as 3 to enrol and participate in the complete school experience.

International students from nations like Korea, China, Brazil, and the Middle East have been welcome at PCC since 2005.

In addition, the high school program has grown tremendously since inception.  Three ninth-graders were enrolled at PCC's high school when it first opened its doors in 2007.  They currently have more than 150 high school pupils.

Broadening their offerings to become even more inclusive, the Good Samaritan program was developed by PCC in 2008 for students with special needs and learning disabilities.

2. A Wholesome Education

The goal at Philopateer Christian College is to help students develop into well-rounded leaders who will emulate positive humanitarian qualities . They achieve this by encouraging students to embrace and cultivate their given skills in the appropriate setting under the direction of highly qualified teachers.

Together with parents, their qualified and compassionate instructors and staff encourage each student's healthy development. They look out for the spiritual and academic well-being of their students and mentor them to give back to their families, communities, and respective nations. Respect for adults and one another, as well as for family and friends, is one of the school's core principles.

PCC instructors educate students at Philopateer Christian College to become well-rounded future leaders. In support of this goal, the faculty and staff at Philopateer Christian College are dedicated to supporting each student to:

  • Become more receptive to the dynamic learning processes
  • Become resourceful, flexible, and creative in your learning and daily life.
  • Learn the fundamental concepts and abilities required to interpret and communicate ideas using words, numbers, and other symbols.
  • Become physically strong and healthy.
  • Gain pleasure from engaging in and enjoying other people's engagement in various types of artistic expression.
  • Gain a sense of self-worth and knowledge of one's place in the family and society, as well as one's place in one's own family.
  • Develop a feeling of personal responsibility in society at the local, national, and international levels by learning skills that help people solve problems independently in daily life. Show respect for the traditions, cultures, and beliefs of a wide range of societal groups.
  • Develop the abilities and character traits that will make you happy and productive at work. Show that you care about the environment and the efficient use of resources.
  • Create values that are based on one's own moral, religious, and ethical principles as well as the benefit of society as a whole.

PCC is a good choice for parents looking for a school with a strong emphasis on family values, life principles, and academics. 

3. Additional Activities 

PCC offers a number of festive activities and experiential learning opportunities throughout the course of the academic year.  As seen in their online blog, examples include Easter celebrations, a trip to Egypt, and even a birthday celebration for Mayor Crombie and Macallion!

4. Awards and Recognition

In the 2019 Mississauga Readers' Choice Awards for Best Private School, Philopateer Christian College took first place and received a Diamond Award.

In 2020, Premier Doug Ford  commended PCC's staff and students for their efforts in the community through their Christmas initiative, which earned close to $13,000 for St. Mary's Food bank through the Anba Abraam Charity.

Not least to mention, PCC has been recognized for three consecutive years as one of the Best Businesses in Canada by the CBRB Canadian Business Review Board,

5. Reviews

Parents are best at articulating the experience of having children go through the PCC program.  Here are a couple of reviews:

Caroline Lakah writes: 

"A school where your kids are not just a number, they are encouraged to put their best in everything they do and achieve high.  My daughter graduated 2023 going to one of the best universities in Ontario.  My other daughter is going to her first year in high school and she is extremely excited to be part in all extracurricular activities the school offers.  Best of luck to all PCC students!"

Marie Nakhla writes: 

"I had 3 children, all who started Philopateer from kindergarten until grade 12 graduation.  Two of them are in Grad school (dentistry and Pharmacy) , and the third just started university Health Science.  I can't thank the school and the staff enough , you educated them, and you taught them valuable lessons that will be with them forever. There are so many great qualities about Philopateer , the teachers and staff are dedicated to educating, they are empathetic with students and parents, and for me the most important is they watch over the children and teach them values, morals and always looking to God for guidance.

The memories  and the staff at Philopateer will not be forgotten.

Thank you for giving me peace of mind during their school years."

If you are looking for a private elementary school or high school in the GTA,  we recommend checking out Philopateer Christian College!     

Take a look at their social channels, below, for more information.




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