Faith-Driven Wellness: Angela Harris's Holistic Health Revolution

"When you shift your mindset, make sure you take belief with it." These profound words by Angela Harris encapsulate the essence of a woman whose journey in the health and wellness industry spans over three decades. Angela is not just a wellness expert; she is a pioneer, a mentor, and a beacon of hope for countless individuals. As the Founder of Wellness of Life Enterprises, INC., Angela has dedicated her life to serving the community with compassion and unwavering faith. Let's delve into her inspiring journey and discover what makes her a standout figure in the wellness industry.

Continuous education and personal development create the capacity to connect with clients and communicate effectively.

  Angela Harris, Founder at Wellness of Life Enterprises Inc.

Q & A With Angela Harris, Founder at Wellness of Life Enterprises Inc.

A Trailblazer in Holistic Health

What services or products does your company offer, and in which locations are these offered?

Our clinic, located at 5120 J. St. Sacramento, CA, specializes in the digestive system, offering Colon Hydrotherapy, our Wellness of Life brand of systematic supplements, and a unique technique of herbal tinctures. Additionally, I am a published author, public speaker, and coach for wellness and business.  

Angela's clinic has become a sanctuary for those seeking natural and effective health solutions. Her holistic approach to wellness is evident in every aspect of her business, from the carefully formulated supplements to the personalized care provided to each client.

From Faith to Fruition

How did you first become involved with the company and how does the company's vision align with your own values?

Dedicated to serving in the health and wellness industry for 31 years, I opened my clinic 18 years ago with courage and determination inspired by my faith. I am diligently committed to educating, strategizing, and profoundly progressing people’s lives.

Angela's vision is deeply intertwined with her values of community service and holistic health. Her unwavering faith and dedication have been the driving forces behind her success.

Milestones and Achievements

Which milestones have marked meeting benchmarks towards the fulfillment of your personal goals/ the company's vision and goals? 

2024 has been a remarkable year with features in Cal Matters and Natural Practitioner Magazine, multiple awards from Winner Magazine, and more. My books have been best-sellers, and Kevin Harrington from ABC's Shark Tank has endorsed them.  

Angela's journey is dotted with numerous accolades, reflecting her significant contributions to the wellness industry. Her achievements are a testament to her relentless pursuit of excellence.

Building Trust Through Consistency

Which steps have you taken for the company to achieve the level of consumer trust that has been nationally recognized?

We consistently continue our education and personal development, allowing us to connect with our clients' concerns effectively. Established in the community, we value referrals, existing clients, and nurture our online presence.

Angela's approach to building trust is grounded in continuous improvement and genuine care for her clients. This philosophy has earned Wellness of Life a stellar reputation.

Effective Growth Strategies

Which strategies have you found the most effective in growing your audience/ bringing awareness of your service to a larger consumer group?

Word-of-mouth referrals are invaluable, but social media allows us to connect with a broader audience. Our Instagram (@livewellnessoflife) has over 23,000 followers.    

Angela leverages the power of social media to create a constant conversation with her community, enhancing visibility and engagement.

Overcoming Challenges

Are there any challenges that made it difficult to continue operation and that you managed to overcome? What was your approach to get past these?

COVID-19 posed significant challenges, but we expanded our online presence and developed efficient marketing strategies. Client retention and product fulfillment were also priorities during these times.         

Angela's resilience and adaptability have been crucial in navigating the challenges brought by the pandemic, ensuring her business not only survived but thrived.

Balancing Life and Work

How do you balance work, passions/hobbies, and relationships?

My essential relationship with God and trusting His faithfulness guide me. I find joy in managing my emotions, loving family and friends, serving the community, and enjoying nature.

Angela's holistic approach to life mirrors her approach to wellness, finding balance through faith and passion.

Future Plans and Vision

What are your future plans to build on your personal/ company achievements and fulfill your vision for success?

I am writing my third book and will continue supporting small businesses online. Our audience can look forward to more community outreach and educational programs.     

Angela's vision for the future is expansive, with plans to further her impact through education and community support.

Advice for Aspiring Professionals

What advice would you like to give readers that hope to achieve success in your field?

Connect with a mentor or shadow someone you admire in this field. Continuous learning and determination are key.     

Angela's advice is rooted in her own experiences, emphasizing the importance of mentorship and lifelong learning.

Giving Back to the Community

What are some ways you use your success to give back to the community/any causes that are meaningful to you?

Wellness of Life supports vendor advocacy, online workshops, ministry outreach events, and various charitable initiatives. We provide mentoring, sponsorships, and discounts to diverse organizations.     

Angela's commitment to community service is extensive, reflecting her deep-seated values and dedication to making a difference.

Words of Wisdom

Is there anything else you would like to share with Winner Magazine readers?

Three quotes from my first book:

1. When you shift your mindset, make sure you take belief with it.

2. Be a part of a person’s breakthrough, not their breaking point.

3. Before you speak, self-assess, then dip your words in compassion, love, grace, and mercy..

Angela Harris's story is a testament to the power of faith, dedication, and community service. Her journey continues to inspire and uplift those around her, making her a true luminary in the field of wellness and beyond.

We thank Angela Harris for sharing her inspiring journey and insights with Winner Magazine's readers. If you are seeking comprehensive wellness solutions and expert guidance, we highly recommend visiting Wellness of Life Enterprises, INC. Connect with Angela and her team at to learn more about their exceptional services and unwavering commitment to holistic health and community service.

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