Decatur's Aesthetic Ace: Winner Interview With Mike Kelleher of (R)Evolution MedSpa

“We overcome by continuing to move forward. There is no turning back.”

This powerful quote from Mike Kelleher, Owner and Physician Assistant at (R)Evolution MedSpa (Decatur, Georgia), encapsulates his relentless drive and unwavering commitment to excellence. Mike is a distinguished leader in the aesthetic medicine field, known for his dedication to innovation, community engagement, and achieving superior outcomes for his clients. His journey from opening the doors of (R)Evolution MedSpa in July 2021 to becoming a highly respected figure in the industry is nothing short of inspiring.

Mike's story is a testament to the power of perseverance, vision, and integrity. Despite the numerous challenges he faced, his belief in his mission and his dedication to his clients have propelled (R)Evolution MedSpa to national recognition. His approach to building consumer trust, his continuous pursuit of excellence, and his commitment to giving back to the community make him a standout professional in his field.

Q & A With   Mike Kelleher, Owner and Physician Assistant at (R)Evolution MedSpa

(R)Evolution MedSpa offers a range of advanced aesthetic services, including Botox, Dermal Fillers, Laser treatments, and Radiofrequency procedures. These services are primarily offered in Decatur, GA. The company is renowned for its commitment to natural, superior outcomes and the latest, safest technologies.

Involvement and Vision:

Mike officially opened the doors of (R)Evolution MedSpa on July 5, 2021. His journey as a business owner began with a steadfast belief in success despite numerous challenges.

“I officially opened the doors of (R)Evolution on July 5, 2021, and have been lucky enough to thrive since. It was not an easy or simple choice to embark on the journey of becoming a business owner, but I was just ignorant enough to think I could do it, and I did. The challenges were many, but there was no other path. I started this business, and it was going to succeed; there was no other option. You overcome by continuing to move forward. There is no turning back.”

Milestones and Achievements:

Under Mike's leadership, (R)Evolution MedSpa has exceeded its monetary benchmarks every year. The unexpected but welcome awards include Best MedSpa in Decatur GA for 2022, 2023, and 2024, and induction into the Decatur, GA Business Hall of Fame.

“Believe it or not, I never set particular benchmarks per se, except monetarily. Which we have managed to exceed every year. The awards we have received have been unexpected, but very welcome. We have been awarded Best MedSpa in Decatur GA 2022, 2023, 2024. Enshrined in the Decatur, GA Business Hall of Fame, and this is just the beginning. We are very thankful.”

Building Consumer Trust:

(R)Evolution MedSpa achieves nationally recognized consumer trust by being open and honest with its patients. Mike's philosophy of “No BS” and “walking the walk” ensures that customers receive exceptional value and service.

“We are always open and honest with our patients. No BS. We walk the walk.”

Preparation for Success:

Mike credits every bit of his education and experience, both in and out of the workplace, as essential in preparing for success.

“Every bit of education and experience, in the workplace, outside of the workplace, is beneficial and necessary as an entrepreneur.”

Effective Growth Strategies:

Word of mouth has been the most effective strategy for growing (R)Evolution MedSpa’s audience. This traditional method continues to bring awareness to their services among a larger consumer group.

“Word of mouth will always be the best way to grow a business, and has been for ours.”

Overcoming Challenges:

Mike has faced numerous challenges in his journey as a business owner. His approach to overcoming these obstacles involved a deep commitment to the business, often at the expense of personal relationships.

“I have learned a lot of hard lessons over the years. Becoming a business owner has both been the hardest and most fulfilling happening I have encountered in my lifetime. You have to be committed to the business. The majority of time, focus, thought, is spent on and at the office. Relationships can and do suffer, but it was something I was meant to do.”

Balancing Life and Work:

Initially, there was no work-life balance for Mike; his focus was solely on (R)Evolution MedSpa. After a demanding but fulfilling three-year pledge, culminating in December 2023, Mike has learned to achieve a better balance. He now steps away from work to rejuvenate and enjoys life, returning to the office reinvigorated.

“When I first began (R)Evolution, there was no such thing as work-life balance. There was (R)Evolution. I went into this endeavor with a three-year plan in mind. The first three years were going to be dedicated to this business, and that is exactly how it has developed. The three-year pledge culminated in December of 2023. It was a tough, but extremely fulfilling time. I pushed myself, and loved ones, to the limit; thankfully, it was all well worth it. The universe works in mysterious ways, and demonstrated to me that I had to adhere to this pledge and reclaim some balance in my life. I suffered some very close personal losses last year, and it became more than apparent to me that one can run a successful business, and also have a fulfilling personal life. Have I achieved this balance completely? No, not as of yet, but I am trying. Now, I am to the point where I am not anxious and thinking about the business when I step away for some time off. I am finally able to flip the switch off and enjoy life away for a period of time. Coming back to the office, rejuvenated and reinvigorated. It feels good. I highly recommend it.”

Future Plans:

(R)Evolution MedSpa will continue to innovate, offering the newest, safest technologies and techniques. Clients can look forward to the most natural, superior outcomes as the company builds on its achievements.

“We will continue to innovate and offer the newest, safest technology and techniques, and the most natural, superior outcomes.”

Advice for Aspiring Professionals:

Mike advises aspiring professionals to never give up. He emphasizes the importance of studying, finding exceptional mentors, and always doing the right thing.

“Never give up! Failure is not an option. Study, find exceptional mentors, study some more, and do the right thing, always.”

Giving Back:

Mike leverages his success to support the community through charitable auctions, foundations, mentoring, and various forms of support.

“We are always giving back in any way we can to our community. Whether it be to charitable auctions, foundations, mentoring, and support in any form or fashion.”


Mike Kelleher’s journey is a powerful example of what can be achieved through determination, hard work, and an unwavering commitment to one’s vision. His story is a source of inspiration for aspiring professionals and a testament to the impact that a dedicated and innovative approach can have on both personal success and community well-being. Stay connected with Mike and (R)Evolution MedSpa to follow their inspiring journey and witness their continued contributions to the field of aesthetic medicine.




Phone: +1 404-689-1223


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