From Blueprints to Brilliance: Gevorg Grigoryan’s NinthGen Vision

"Remember, kids are the most creative people, as they can't understand what 'impossible' means, so imagine like a kid and then work like a scientist to make your dream come true." – Gevorg Grigoryan

In the innovation-charged scape of architectural design and construction, few names resonate with the same authority and vision as Gevorg Grigoryan, the CEO and Co-Founder of NinthGen Consulting Group. With a rich history of innovative projects and a commitment to merging architectural brilliance with construction excellence, Gevorg stands out for his keen leadership and ingenuity in Southern California. His journey from founding the architectural company NextGen Vision to merging it with G9 Construction to form NinthGen Consulting Group is a testament to his visionary approach and dedication to making the construction process seamless for clients.

Q & A With  Gevorg Grigoryan, CEO and Co-Founder of NinthGen Consulting Group

The Genesis of NinthGen Consulting Group

Gevorg Grigoryan’s journey began with the establishment of NextGen Vision, an architectural firm that quickly made a name for itself across California. His collaboration with Samvel Poladyan, the founder of G9 Construction, was born out of mutual respect and a shared vision. Their combined efforts led to the creation of NinthGen Consulting Group, a one-stop-shop for all construction-related needs. This merger was designed to eliminate the common headaches associated with construction projects, providing clients with a smooth, integrated service experience.

"At first, I founded the architectural company 'NextGen Vision,' and we did a lot of projects all over California. Then, in the construction field, I met Samvel Poladyan, who is the founder of G9 Construction. Over the years of doing business in the same area, we became friends. He was referring all his clients who needed an architect to me, and vice versa, I was referring all my clients to him for a contractor. But we both had the same vision to make a 'one-stop shop' in the construction field, to make everything more comfortable for our clients. So we decided to merge our companies together and have all the services in one place, where every client will stay away from all the headaches that come from the construction. So we founded NinthGen Consulting Group."

Milestones and Recognition

Under Gevorg's leadership, NinthGen Consulting Group has achieved significant milestones. Notably, NextGen Vision was awarded the "Best Home Builder" accolade by the Glendale Award Program for three consecutive years (2022, 2023, and 2024). These recognitions are a testament to the company’s unwavering commitment to quality and client satisfaction.

"As I mentioned earlier, NinthGen Consulting Group is the merger of NextGen Vision and G9 Construction. I would like to mention that the 'Glendale Award Program' granted NextGen Vision the 'Best Home Builder' company three consecutive years: 2022, 2023, and 2024."

Building Trust Through Integrity

Gevorg's philosophy centers around customer comfort and trust. He believes in prioritizing client needs over profit, often providing recommendations that benefit the client even if it means reduced profit margins for the company. This approach has cultivated a strong sense of trust and loyalty among their clientele.

"Every one of our customers knows that we are not working only for our money, but we work for their comfort. Sometimes customers come to our office with a project that can make us a lot of money, but it will not be beneficial for them, so we provide our recommendations based on our experience, to make their project more beneficial for them, even if our profit from this project will be reduced."

Education and Experience: The Bedrock of Success

Gevorg attributes much of his success to his education in architecture and his experiences as a first-generation immigrant in America. His journey has been one of perseverance and belief in the possible. His architectural education has empowered him to create the best designs for his clients, while his immigrant experience has taught him resilience and the belief that nothing is impossible.

"My education as an architect helped me a lot to have the best possible design for my clients. But my experience as a first-generation immigrant in America helped me to prove to my customers that nothing is 'impossible'; the 'impossible' takes just a little more time."

Effective Strategies for Growth

Initially relying on the quality of their work to attract clients, NinthGen Consulting Group now actively engages with a broader audience through social media. The company runs three Instagram pages: @ninthgenconsulting, @nextgen_vision, and @g9_constructions, to showcase their projects and connect with potential clients.

"I always said, 'The best advertisement is your job.' If you satisfy your clients, they will recommend you to their friends. So for the first couple of years, I didn't do anything, but now we are running three Instagram pages: @ninthgenconsulting, @nextgen_vision, and @g9_constructions."

Valuable Partnerships

One of the most constructive partnerships in Gevorg's career was with Samvel Poladyan. This partnership, which eventually led to the founding of NinthGen Consulting Group, has been instrumental in realizing their shared vision of providing comprehensive construction services.

"So, before merging 'NextGen Vision' and 'G9 Construction' together, I believe the best partnership for me personally was partnering with Samvel Poladyan, which led to a business partnership with founding 'NinthGen Consulting Group.'"

Overcoming Challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic presented significant challenges, but Gevorg credits his team for their resilience and unity during this period. The crisis brought them closer, transforming them from colleagues to a family.

"COVID-19, I believe, was a big challenge for everyone, but thank God I had the best team standing next to me and fighting against that challenge. And now we are not just a team of co-workers, or boss and employees. We are a family now."

Balancing Work and Passion

For Gevorg, work and passion are intertwined. Architecture, being one of his hobbies, ensures that he maintains a balance between his professional and personal life even during business hours.

"Architecture is actually one of my hobbies, so I believe even during business hours, I am still in balance with my work and hobby."

Future Plans and Vision

Looking ahead, Gevorg’s vision extends beyond personal achievements. He aims to help those around him realize their dream homes, fostering a community where dreams are built with care and precision.

"My vision is actually not only for myself, my vision is for all the people surrounding me. My vision is to help everyone to make their 'dream homes' come true."

Advice for Aspiring Professionals

Gevorg’s advice for those seeking success in his field is succinct.  He encourages a blend of creativity and scientific rigor, advocating for a childlike imagination coupled with a disciplined approach to work.

"Work smart, not hard."

Giving Back to the Community

Gevorg is deeply committed to his community, actively participating in cultural sponsorships, donations, and other initiatives. His contributions span TV shows, concerts, films, and direct support to individuals and communities in need.

"I always stand next to my community. I am involved in almost every field to help solve problems, by sponsoring cultural events such as TV shows, concerts, or films, and making donations to people or communities in need. So as I already said, I try to always stand next to my community."


Gevorg Grigoryan’s journey is a powerful reminder of the impact of visionary leadership and unwavering dedication. His story is one of merging talents, overcoming challenges, and building dreams—not just for himself but for his entire community. Under his guidance, NinthGen Consulting Group continues to set new standards in the architectural and construction industry, embodying the spirit of innovation and excellence.






Phone: (323) 880-9333


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