Rejuve-nating Leadership in Palm Harbor: Deborah Viano’s Award-Winning Impact in Beauty and Wellness

"Take the leap! Do it afraid! and Don't give up!" 

These words embody the fearless and determined spirit of Deborah Viano, CEO and owner of Rejuve Health Plus. Serving the Palm Harbor region, Deborah stands out as a passionate and dedicated leader whose journey from a hair and makeup artist to a successful entrepreneur is nothing short of inspiring. Her business excels in providing a wide range of health and beauty services, including Medical Weight Loss, Body Contouring, Laser Resurfacing, Botox/Fillers, and Full Face Rejuvenation. Rejuve Health Plus is known for its commitment to natural results, honesty, compassion, and building lasting relationships with clients. Additionally, her role as an inspiring role model has even led her daughter to follow in her footsteps, joining her in the family business. Through this interview, we delve into Deborah's journey, her achievements, and her vision for the future.

Celebrating Leadership and Innovation: Q & A With Deborah Viano, CEO and Owner of Rejuve Health Plus

A Journey Rooted in Passion

Deborah’s journey began with a deep love for the beauty industry, evolving from a hair and makeup artist to a registered nurse. This passion for enhancing beauty and wellness led her to open her own practice.

"I've always loved the beauty industry. Before I became a registered nurse, I was a hair and makeup artist. I love helping women feel beautiful in their own skin. It wasn't until after spending 24 years in nursing and as a pharmaceutical rep for eight years that I decided to open my own practice."

The Genesis of Rejuve Health Plus

After facing multiple layoffs in the pharmaceutical industry, Deborah decided to follow her passion. She went back to school, earned her Master's degree as a nurse practitioner, and opened her first location during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the challenging times, her practice quickly grew, leading to a move to a larger facility.

"In February 2020, I was laid off from my job. It wasn't uncommon to get laid off in the pharmaceutical industry as this was my fifth time throughout my career. I thought, enough was enough. It's time to really follow my passion so I went back to school to get my Master's degree as a nurse practitioner so I could continue to do what I really love. After about a year of school, I went ahead and opened my first location in a small suite just to start helping people feel good again. Although it was still during the time Covid was at its peak, I felt I needed to help as many as I could to feel great again."

Milestones and Growth

Over the past 2-1/2 years, Rejuve Health Plus has grown significantly. This growth led to a larger facility and the addition of new staff, including Deborah's daughter, who plays a vital role in the business.

"Over the past 2-1/2 years in business, we have substantially grown to serve more patients. This growth has led to a recent move to a larger facility and has allowed me to bring on staff. I was running my business solo for these past two years and it was finally time to make the decision to hire the right people to help us grow and serve."

Building Trust Through Genuine Care

Deborah’s approach to patient care emphasizes trust, compassion, and personalized attention. She believes in forming deep connections with her clients, making them feel like family.

"Our clients want 'natural' results. They want honesty, compassion, trust. They want to feel like they belong. That's one thing I can say is that the clients become like family once they've entered our facility. I can probably tell you something personal about every single patient that walks through the door."

Education and Support Systems

Deborah credits her success to a supportive community of nurse practitioners and educational resources, such as the Elite Nurse Practitioner Group, which provided her with the knowledge and confidence to start and grow her practice.

"I probably would have never opened my practice as soon as I did if it weren't for finding this amazing group on Facebook called 'The Elite Nurse Practitioner Group'. I have to give credit to the founder of the group, Justin Montgomery. He is truly motivating and supportive in helping nurse practitioners open their own businesses. I have taken so many of his courses to educate myself and build the confidence to open and to continue to grow."

Effective Marketing Strategies

Word of mouth has been the most effective strategy for Rejuve Health Plus. Social media also plays a crucial role in keeping patients informed about the latest developments.

"Our greatest source of new patients is by word of mouth referrals. That says and means a lot to us. That just means we're doing something right. We also use social media so our patients can see the latest and greatest things going on with us at Rejuve Health Plus."

Partnerships and Community

Collaborations with other nurse practitioners have been instrumental in Deborah's journey. These partnerships provide support, advice, and the sharing of ideas, which are crucial for the growth of her business.

"I would have to say the ongoing relationships I share with other nurse practitioners in the industry. It isn't always easy running your own business, so bouncing ideas off others and getting advice to help scale and grow has played a crucial part in bringing our goals to reality."

Overcoming Challenges

Starting a business during the Covid-19 pandemic was challenging, but Deborah’s faith and focus helped her navigate through uncertain times. Additionally, her husband's experience in law enforcement added personal stress to the situation, but they faced these challenges together, demonstrating their resilience and support for each other.

"There's always challenges to starting a business, especially during the peak of Covid. I honestly have a ton of faith. I took the leap and just stayed focused. People wanted an outlet. They were happy to find someone they could trust and who cared. There were definitely months of uncertainty, but I kept plugging away and couldn't be happier. Opening my business was the best thing I've done. My husband, who is in law enforcement, was involved in a shooting last year, which caused stress on all of us, but we managed to overcome it together."

Balancing Work and Life

Deborah has found a way to balance her professional and personal life by setting clear boundaries and making time for her passions and family.

"I think I balance life and work better now than I ever have. I am a business owner. I make my own hours and work when I want. I am a Capricorn though and we tend to work, work, work. When I opened my business, I told myself I was only going to work 3-4 days a week and I've maintained that schedule so far. Now that I've hired my daughter to help, I will be able to focus on growing and then retirement."

Future Vision and Expansion

Looking ahead, Deborah aims to continue growing Rejuve Health Plus, with plans to expand services and possibly open a new center focused on men's aesthetics and wellness. She also has a passion for mentoring and educating others in the field.

"I want us to continue to grow and possibly expand. I'd love to open an all-men's aesthetics and wellness center. We serve men now but not as many as we would like. My husband is in law enforcement and is close to retiring. Once he does, we plan to bring him on to help build this out. I am also starting to mentor other nurses and nurse practitioners in injection trainings. I really enjoy educating and helping others. We plan to bring monthly educational seminars in our practice to educate our clients on our services where they can literally have a question/answer session and have more quality time with us."

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Deborah’s advice for those aspiring to succeed in her field is straightforward: take risks, embrace fear, and persevere.

"My best advice is just do it! Take the leap! Do it afraid! and Don't give up!"

Community Involvement

Deborah is committed to giving back to the community. She supports various causes, including brain cancer research and local business networking through the Palm Harbor Chamber of Commerce.

"I'm really excited about being a title sponsor for the Golfers VS. Brain Cancer event this November at Ardea Country Club in Eastlake Woodlands. I love that we can help support a great cause to find a cure for brain cancer. I am also a member of the Palm Harbor Chamber of Commerce where we meet and network to help each other's businesses in the community."


Deborah Viano’s journey is a powerful reminder of the impact of dedicated leadership and unwavering commitment. Her story is one of passion, resilience, and community—a testament to the power of following one’s dreams and making a difference in the lives of others. Under her guidance, Rejuve Health Plus continues to set new standards in the health and wellness industry, embodying the spirit of compassion and excellence.





Phone: (727) 612-0705


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